Sprint #3

Intro Video

Sprint Dates

Lab (Mon/Tues) then Meeting (Thurs/Fri)

Meeting (Mon/Tues) then Lab (Thurs/Fri)

Sprint Start Date

Thurs 9/19

Mon 9/16

Sprint End Date

Wed 10/2

Sun 9/29

Due Date

Wed 10/2 by 11:59 PM ET

To Do

✓ Complete Time Sheet

  • Timesheet #5 due Sunday 9/22 at 11:59 PM EST.

  • Timesheet #6 due Sunday 9/29 at 11:59 PM EST.

✓ Grade Sprint #2 & Team Report #2 & Professional Development #2 on Gradescope by Wednesday 9/25 at 11:59PM EST.

✓ Submit your Team Contract on Gradescope by Wednesday 9/25 at 11:59PM EST. Ensure all of your team members have virtually signed it.

✓ See the Fall Schedule for timesheet and report deadlines.

Sprint Schedule

Team Meeting #1 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles, roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this week’s task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by the next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

    • Questions related to the project.

    • Questions related to the company. (Internship, Full-Time Opportunities, and etc.)

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

Lab Section #1 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Begin lab by spending 10-15 minutes on your choice of the 3 following activities

    1. Ice Breaker - Please refer to the TA MS Teams chanel for more ideas

    2. Reviewing Professional Development Topics - In Sprint #2, students prepared for the Career Fairs by updating their resumes, practicing their elevator pitches and learning about the difference between Business Professional and Business Casual. Refer to the assignments here and facilitate a conversation about their main takeaways or feedback on the assignments.

    3. Discuss upcoming Team Meeting - With your team, spend time to figure out how you want to present your findings to your mentor for this week. For example, you could create a slide that highlights key points and blockers you’re facing, prepare a demo, or anything else that seems suitable.

  • Complete a Sprint Retrospective of Sprint #2 by discussing the following questions with your team.

    1. What worked well during Sprint #2?

    2. What didn’t work well during Sprint #2?

    3. How can we improve Sprint #3?

    4. What are some questions you have regarding Sprint #2?

  • Next, have students answer the following questions in their daily stand-ups.

    1. What have you been working on since the last meetings?

    2. What are you currently working on?

    3. Are there any blockers preventing you from doing your work?

  • Use the remainder of the time to work on your project.

Team Meeting #2 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles,roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this weeks task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

Lab Section #2 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Begin lab by spending 10-15 minutes on your choice of the 3 following activities

    1. Ice Breaker - Please refer to the TA MS Teams chanel for more ideas

    2. Reviewing Professional Development Topics - In Sprint #2, students prepared for the Career Fairs by updating their resumes, practicing their elevator pitches and learning about the difference between Business Professional and Business Casual. Refer to the assignments here and facilitate a conversation about their main takeaways or feedback on the assignments.

    3. Discuss upcoming Team Meeting - With your team, spend time to figure out how you want to present your findings to your mentor for this week. For example, you could create a slide that highlights key points and blockers you’re facing, prepare a demo, or anything else that seems suitable.

  • Next, have students answer the following questions in their daily stand-ups.

    1. What have you been working on since the last meetings?

    2. What are you currently working on?

    3. Are there any blockers preventing you from doing your work?

  • Use the remainder of the time to work on your project.

  • Sprint Tasks for students: Sprint 3 Tasks